comparative strength of sandcrete blocks to laterite blocks

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The use of red earth, lateritic soils and quarry dust as ...

Mar 01, 2020· However, the compressive strength of the blocks is lower than the average compressive strength of sandcrete blocks produced manually by Odeyemi et al. age 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of production with the strength ranging between 2.61 N/mm 2 to 2.89 N/mm 2.


Keywords: Compressive strength, laterite, lateritic sandcrete cubes, load bearing blocks, partial replacement, saturated surface dry density. 1 INTRODUCTION —————————— —————————— things, the presence of iron oxide accounts for its red colour. Thus, the suitability or otherwise of Sand has been the ...

Performance of Laterite-Cement Blocks as Walling Units in ...

Laterite-cement blocks consistently gained greater compressive strength values up to 10% cement content for all the curing ages of 7, 14, 21 and 28-days. Adequate compressive strength of 3.22N/mm2 for load-bearing walls was measured for cement content of 6% in laterite-cement blocks while sandcrete blocks had a compressive strength of 1N/mm2. The

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research ...

course of the study we investigatedthe suitability of laterite as a partial replacement of sand, and specifically sought to determine whether lateritic sandcrete cubes would satisfy the minimum compressive strength requirement of Nigeria Industrial Standard for load bearing blocks for use in sandcrete blocks. This strength is 3.45N/mm².

Determination of Compressive Strength of Sandcrete Block ...

strength ranges from 4.98N/mm² to 11.6N/mm² which is higher than the minimum compressive strength of sandcrete block by NIS 87:2007 ranging from 2.5N/mm² to 3.45N/mm² and. Therefore, on the basis of the compressive strength, sandcrete with laterite as part of the fine aggregate could be


This study carries out a comparative analysis of sandcrete hollow blocks and laterite interlocking blocks by evaluating their mechanical properties and production cost. 3.0 METHODOLOGY

Assessment of Structural Strength of Commercial Sandcrete ...

Size specified for Cement stabilized laterite and cement stabilized sand manufacture (mm) (Sandcrete) increases in strength with cement content and that A Length 448 397 or 499 Height 143 or 219 194 or 295 at high cement content, the granules of sandcrete blocks Thickness 51,64,76,102,152 or 219 76,92,102,143,178 or 194 behave elastically ...


May 23, 2021· The maximum compressive strength predictable by Scheffe's model is 3.01N/mm 2 for sand-laterite blocks and 2.148N/mm 2 for soilcrete blocks. The maximum flexural strength obtainable from Scheffe's model is 1.718N/mm 2 for sandlaterite blocks and 1.452N/mm 2 for soilcrete blocks. The maximum split tensile strength predictable by Scheffe's ...

Comparative Cost Analysis Of Laterite Bricks And Sandcrete ...

Comparative Cost Analysis Of Laterite Bricks And Sandcrete Blocks . Use of Cement-Sand Admixture in Laterite Brick . 2013-8-11 Based on the 7-day UCS results, laterite bricks were produced using soil-sand-cement mixtures with 0 and 45 sand content and 0, 3, 6, and 9 cement content.

(PDF) Assessment of the Strength of Conventionally ...

Table 6: Average Compressive Strength of Hollow Sandcrete Blocks Curing Age (Days) Failure Load (KN) Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Sandcrete Block Burnt Bricks Sandcrete Block Burnt Bricks 7 76 125 1.6 3.11 14 132 140 2.78 4.45 21 172 180 3.63 5.58 28 218 200 4.60 7.72 Average Value 149.5 161.3 3.15 5.20 Figure 5: Failure Load Test Results of ...


way of incorporating laterite in the production of sandcrete hollow blocks. that is, with conventional Sandcrete blocks are constructional masonry units that have been generally accepted to the extent that when an average individual thinks of building, the default mind-set is the use of sandcrete hollow blocks.


comparing the strength as blocks made from cement and lateritic soil, cement and red earth, laterite, sand and red earth abstract this study is on "comp +234 …

(PDF) Effects of sand on the properties of cement-laterite ...

The highest compressive strength (9.1 MPa) at 28-day curing of the cement-laterite interlocking blocks was obtained at 5% sand replacement, which is about 13% increase in strength over the control ...

Enhancing the strength of sandcrete blocks using coarse ...

to an increase in the demand for sandcrete block. This in effect has consequently increased the demand for Ordinary Potland Cement (OPC) since cement is the main constituent in sandcrete block production yet it is expensive. OPC, as a constituent of the sandcrete blocks plays a vital role in the strength. However, the cost of the


using sandcrete blocks and interlocking blocks. Each unit comprised L-shaped wall measuring 3200mm x 600mm as shown in Figs 1(a) and 1(b). and the sandcrete blocks. The 1st batch was cured for 7days, Fig – 1 (a): Sandcrete block wall Fig - 1(b): Interlocking block wall Two masons, X and Y both skilled in sandcrete block wall


Hence, this study seeks to find a way of incorporating laterite in the production of sandcrete hollow blocks. Sandcrete blocks are constructional masonry units that have been generally accepted to the extent that when an average individual thinks of building, the default mind-set is the use of sandcrete hollow blocks.


comparing the strenght as blocks made from cement and laterite soil cement and red earth laterite, sand and red earth chapter one introduction 1.1 +234 814 …

standard ratio of cement and sand mixture for block ...

comparative analysis of sandcrete hollow blocks ... - Penerbit UTHM ... mixtures of sand and laterite in block moulding. ... (Cement: sand plus laterite fines:gravel) with a water-cement ratio of 0.65,. Read more. ... Characterisation of the Compressive Strength of Sandcrete Blocks In ...


1. Hollow load bearing sandcrete blocks 2. Solid load bearing sandcrete blocks 3. Hollow non load bearing sandcrete blocks 4. Sandcrete building tiles 5. Sandcrete bricks 1.6 HOLLOW LOAD BEARING BLOCK The hollow load bearing block is the one chosen for this project-work, since it is the most commonly used in the society presently.

Comparative Study on the Properties of Cement Stabilized ...

Nov 21, 2018· Compressive strength of 2% cement content lateritic brick B and sandcrete hollow block Based on the above conclusion, it is recommended that Lateritic brick A should be commercialized for industrial uses. Generally, Laterite brick should be used for low cost building because it has high compressive strength than that of sandcrete hollow block.

A study on the engineering properties of sandcrete blocks ...

Hollow sandcrete blocks containing a mixture of sand, cement and water are used extensively in many countries of the world especially in Africa. In many parts of Nigeria, sandcrete block is the major cost component of the most common buildings. The high and increasing cost of constituent materials of sandcrete blocks has contributed

Production and Testing of Lateritic Interlocking Blocks

The most common walling materials are conventional sandcrete blocks and fired clay bricks. The high cost of sandcrete blocks coupled with the low strength properties of commercially available blocks necessitates the development of an alternative brick material. In comparison to the use of sandcrete blocks…

Investigation of micronized laterite sandcrete block ...

Jun 01, 2021· The compressive strength of sandcrete blocks increases at elevated temperatures, indicating that elevated temperature up to 200 °C can enhance the compressive strength of sandcrete block. 3. The addition of micronized laterite up to 20 % in the cement-sand matrix produces sandcrete blocks of lighter weight.

Research Paper Structural Properties of Laterite - Quarry ...

Keywords: Compressive strength, Static modulus of elasticity, quarry dust-laterite block, density, quarry dust, laterite I. INTRODUCTION Major construction works in most cities all over the world depend much on the use of river sand production of concrete and sandcrete blocks. This over dependence on river sand has impacted the environment

Comparative cost analysis between interlocking bricks and ...

Nov 08, 2017· The extensive use of Sandcrete blocks (SBs) for residential buildings as compared to interlocking bricks (IBs) has significantly increased its cost and has therefore affected the cost of housing delivery in Ghana. The research aimed at comparing the cost of SBs and IBsfor residential buildings in Ghana. The study adopted qualitative and physical measurement methods of data collection on a two ...

Strength of Blended Cement Sandcrete & Soilcrete Blocks ...

that sandcrete blocks made with RHA-blended cement had lower heat storage capacity and lower thermal mass than OPC sandcrete blocks. They explained that the increased thermal effusivity of the sandcrete block with RHA content is an advantage over OPC sandcrete block as it enhances human thermal comfort.

Mechanical Strength Modeling and Optimization of Lateritic ...

strength of solid sandcrete block with mound soil inclusion. The study applies the Scheffe's optimization approach to obtain a mathematical model of the form f(x i1,x i2,x i3,, x i4), where x i are proportions of the concrete components, viz: cement, mound soil, laterite, and water. Scheffe's experimental design techniques are followed


Sandcrete blocks showed an average compressive strength of 6.20 N/mm2 while clay blocks had 8.4 N/mm2.The study concluded that Burnt clay has higher strength when compared to sandcrete block and as such it will be suitable to meet the least of time as long as the building remains standing.