lbs per cu ft recycled asphalt

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lbs per cu ft recycled asphalt. Crushed Stone Determing Yards Per Ton. Crushed stone is quoted at a weight of 2700 pounds per cubic yard. Your stone dealer tells you he has a truck that can deliver 20 tons of stone per load. You need to know who many cubic yards that comes out to.

weight of crushed asphalt per cubic yard

Answer (1 of 1): I must assume you are talking about old hot mix asphalt (HMA)millings or chunks which have been crushed in a crusher HMA weights vary greatly but 148 lbs per cubic foot is a good averageIf it does weigh 148 lbs/cf, there are 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard, so 27 times 148 would be 3,996 lbs or just about 2 tons per cubic yard.

weight per cubic yard of recycled asphalt loose

Recycled Road Base Untreated Base Coarse Asphalt Approximate Weight per cubic yard (loose): 2600 lbs (13 tons) Depending on how tightly you compact it, compaction could require up to 20% – 35% more Weight per cubic yard (lab compacted): 3420 lbs

2021 Recycled Asphalt Millings Cost | Crushed Asphalt Prices

17-12-2020· Recycled asphalt weighs 90 to 120 pounds per cubic foot or between 1.2 and 1.6 tons per cubic yard, depending on the quality and mix composition. Asphalt …

Calculate Asphalt Millings | cubic yards / Tons

Calculate Asphalt Millings Type in inches and feet of your project and calculate the estimated amount of Recycled Materials in cubic yards, cubic feet and Tons, that your need for your project. The Density of Asphalt Millings: 2,410 lb/yd³ or 1.21 t/yd³ or 0.8 yd³/t

Pounds Per Cubic Foot For Asphalt Millings

Pounds Per Cubic Foot For Asphalt Millings. One square yard of asphalt that is 1 inch thick weighs 110 pounds, so 36 inches thick is 3,960 pounds per cubic yard, which is nearly 2 tons.A total of 1,548 tons of asphalt makes a 1-mile stretch of road 24 feet long at a thickness of 2 inches.

recycle asphalt products weight per cubic yard

Solid asphalt weighs slightly less at 3 960 pounds per cubic yard However broken concrete and asphalt weighs closer to 2 025 pounds 1 ton per cubic yard or 75 pounds per cubic foot when disposed of in a dumpster due to the amount of empty space When disposing of either material use our concrete weight calculator to determine the right...

density of asphalt pounds per cubic foot

Follow 10 answers 10, so you can calculate the minimum weight of asphalt per m2 and other units,, Asphalt in place has a density of between 130 and 140 pounds per cubic foot Since there are 27 ft^3 to a cubic yard, this equates to 135 (avg) X 27 = 3645 lbs.

pounds per cubic yard of asphalt millings - BINQ Mining

How much does 1 cubic yard of asphalt weigh – The Q&A wiki. It varies based on the density of the mix, but should be around 145 lbs per cubic foot. 27cu ft/cu yd -> 27 x 145 = 3915 pounds per cubic …

how much does recycled asphalt concrete aggregate weight ...

It varies based on the density of the mix, but should be around 145 lbs per cubic foot. 27cu ft/cu yd -> 27 x 145 = 3915 pounds per cubic yard » More detailed recycled asphalt weight per …

How many square feet are in a ton of asphalt?

04-03-2020· NAPA estimates an average asphalt density of 145 pounds per cubic foot, or 3,915 pounds per cubic yard. For example, if your calculated volume is 25 cubic yards, multiplying 25 by 3,915 will give you an asphalt weight per cubic yard of 97,875 pounds, or about 49 tons.

lbs par cuft recycle asphalte -

14-10-2017· Asphalt, crushed volume to weight conversion. About Asphalt, crushed; 1 cubic meter of Asphalt, crushed weighs 721 kilograms [kg] 1 cubic foot of Asphalt, crushed weighs 45.01056 pounds [lbs] Asphalt, crushed weighs 0.721 gram per cubic centimeter or 721 kilogram per cubic meter, i.e. density of asphalt, crushed is equal to 721 kg/m³.In Imperial or US customary measurement system, …

recycle asphalt products weight per cubic yard

Weight Cubic Yard Reclaimed Asphalt FTMLIE Heavy Machinery. We have weight cubic yard reclaimed asphalt,Related Articles Multiply the volume by the density to calculate asphalt weight per cubic yard NAPA estimates an average asphalt density of 145 pounds per cubic foot or 3915 pounds per cubic yard For example if your calculated volume is 25 cubic yards multiplying 25 by 3915 will …

recycle asphalt products weight per cubic yard

14-07-2020· The Density of Asphalt Millings: 2,410 lb/yd³ or 1.21 t/yd³ or 0.8 yd³/trecycle asphalt products weight per cubic yard,# Description: Weight per Cubic Yard: 138 023: 1" Minus Crushed Concrete (CC) 1.4 tons: 138 025: 1" Minus Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP).Most of Harmony Sand & Gravel's products will weight approximately 2,840 pounds per cubic yard or about 1.42 tons per cubic …

recycled asphalt cubic yards per square foot

How do you figure asphalt tons to sq ft. Approximately 721 Kg/CuM or 1586 pounds per cubic meter or 121 pounds per cubic foot or 20 pounds per square foot of 2", per sq ft for 3 inches of recycled asphalt, to square yards /2000. Calculate 2" Minus Road base (RCA)

Recycle Asphalt Products Weight Per Cubic Yard

08-01-2020· Answer 1 of 2: It depends on the weight per cubic foot of the hot mix asphalt.An average weight might be 148 lbscf which would be 3996 lbs per cy 148 x 27 cu ft per … Read More Recycled Road Base. Untreated Base Coarse. | Asphalt Materials. Approximate Weight per cubic yard loose: 2600 lbs 1.3 tons Depending on how tightly you compact it ...

weight of recycled asphalt per cubic foot

Asphalt, crushed volume to weight conversion. Asphalt, crushed weighs 0721 gram per cubic centimeter or 721 kilogram per cubic meter, ie density of asphalt, crushed is equal to 721 kg/m³ In Imperial or US customary measurement system, the density is equal to 45011 pound per cubic foot [lb/ft³], or 04168 ounce per cubic inch [oz/inch³]

Density for asphalt in pounds per cubic foot

Density for asphalt in pounds per cubic foot Products. As a leading global manufacturer of crushing, grinding and mining equipments, we offer advanced, reasonable solutions for any size-reduction requirements including, Density for asphalt in pounds per cubic foot, quarry, aggregate, and different kinds of minerals.

weight of recycled asphalt per cubic foot

About Asphalt, crushed; 1 cubic meter of Asphalt, crushed weighs 721 kilograms [kg] 1 cubic foot of Asphalt, crushed weighs 45.01056 pounds [lbs] Asphalt, crushed weighs 0.721 gram per cubic centimeter or 721 kilogram per cubic meter, i.e. density of asphalt, crushed is equal to 721 kg/m³.In Imperial or US customary measurement system, the ...

recycled asphalt cubic yards per square foot

19-12-2020· recycled asphalt cubic yards per square foot. The square footage in this example is 20′ times 40′, which equals 800 square foot. Next, divide this into how much asphalt we need per square foot. 800 divided by 26.66 equals 30 tonnes of asphalt. At $85 per ton for hot-mix asphalt, the asphalt will cost 30 times $85, or $2,550. More

crushed asphalt weight per cubic yard

Asphalt, crushed volume to weight conversion. About Asphalt, crushed 1 cubic meter of Asphalt, crushed weighs 721 kilograms [kg] 1 cubic foot of Asphalt, crushed weighs 45.01056 pounds [lbs] Asphalt, crushed weighs 0.721 gram per cubic centimeter or 721 kilogram per cubic meter, i.e. density of asphalt, crushed is equal to 721 kg/m³.

what is the weight of asphalt per cubic meter

Hot Mix Asphalt weights vary based on the mix design, but 148 lbs Per cubic foot is a good average So, 2000 lbs divided by 148 lbs would be about 135 cubic feet Since 1 cubic meter equals 35315 cu Ft; 35315 divided by 135 equals 262 cubic meters.

recycled asphalt cubic yards per square foot

lbs per cu ft recycled asphalt-ZXing MachineryNov 24 2010The density of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) may vary but essentially averages roughly 148 pounds per cubic foot Given 1 cubic meter = 35 315 cubic feet 1 cubic meter = 1 308 cubic yards Then 1 cubic meter of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) weighs aboutRecycled Asphalt - The Black Dirt CompanyRecycled Asphalt $5.50 /5 gallon pail $68.00 /cubic …