surface exploration methods of minerals

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mal waters with surface waters can concentrate potentially harmful substances. Fluid. ... The most comprehensive study to date of the application of geophysical methods to minerals-related environmental problems is a Canadian study which focused on the

(PDF) Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining ...

Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining Second Edition Irina V Apukhtina. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. This paper. A short summary of this paper. 30 Full PDFs related to this paper. Read Paper.


MINERAL EXPLORATION AND ALTERATION ZONE MAPPING IN EASTERN DESERT OF EGYPT USING ASTER DATA ... wavelengths of altered minerals are the best method to map alteration zones associated with gold mineralization. ... montmorillonite and muscovite) from the VNIR/SWIR surface reflectance data. The reference spectra of these four minerals (Figure 2a ...

Geochemical methods in mineral exploration

Apr 03, 2017· geochemical methods in mineral exploration 1. seminor on geochemical methods in mineral exploration. 2. contents introduction general principles optimization of exploration planning of exploration selection of professional leadership selection of areas the exploration sequence choice of exploration methods target size propetry control reliability of method cost value of expected ore the …


The applied Geophysical technique depends mainly on physical properties of rocks and their forming minerals beneath the earth surface. Mineral deposits exploration requires geophysical techniques to identify and estimate the deposit extension, borders, quantity in addition to its quality before embarking on mine operation (Boszczuk et al., 2011).

Illustrative Geophysical Exploration Methods Poster

Geophysical exploration methods are employed throughout the mineral exploration field to identify ore bodies and geologic features. Some of these methods include: core drilling, seismic, magnetic techniques, electrical techniques, and remote sensing methods. Download and print out this handy poster to help you visualize and reference these methods.


Locatable Minerals are whatever is recognized as a valuable mineral by standard authorities, whether metallic or other substance, when found on public land open to mineral entry in quality and quantity sufficient to render a claim valuable on account of the mineral content, under the United States Mining Law of 1872. Specifically excluded from

Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining

Mineral exploration methods include geological, geochemical, geophysical, and remote sensing (Sabins, 1996; Gupta, 2003; Marjoribanks, 2010). In the geological method, an appropriate site is ...

Indicator mineral methods in mineral exploration

exploration targets. Another major advantage of indicator mineral methods is that grain morphology, surface textures or mineral chemistry may be examined to obtain information about transport distance and bedrock source. Indicator minerals have become an important exploration method in the past 20 years and now include suites

3 Technologies in Exploration, Mining, and Processing ...

Currently, almost all nonmetallic minerals (more than 95 percent), most metallic ores (more than 90 percent), and a large fraction of coal (more than 60 percent) are mined by surface methods (Hartman, 1987). However, as surface mineral deposits are exhausted, …

Geophysical Methods in Mineral Exploration

Surface geophysical surveys have been applied to mineral and petroleum exploration for many years. A magnetic compass was used in Sweden in the mid-1600s to find iron ore deposits. The lateral extent of the Comstock ore body was mapped using self-potential methods in the 1880s. A very crude type of seismic survey measured the energy resulting ...

Exploration - Indian Institute of Technology

Activities related to establishing a mineral deposit through geological, geophysical and geochemical methods. It is preceded by Prospecting and followed by Planning & Development. Exploratory Drilling Exploration methods Geological zdrilling, ztrenching, zpitting, zAditing Geophysical zdetailed surface methods – gravity,

Basic Gold Prospecting & Exploration Methods

Feb 29, 2016· Seismic Method. Surface seismic techniques used in gold exploration are restricted to seismic refraction and seismic reflection methods. Probably, the first one is the most employed. The equipment employed for both techniques is very similar and assure the travel time of acoustic waves propagating through the subsurface.

Exploration: Finding minerals | Mining of mineral ...

Exploration methods are used to find, and assess the quality of mineral deposits, prior to mining. Generally a number of explorative techniques are used, and the results are then compared to see if a location seems suitable for mining.

3D Seismic Exploration for Mineral Deposits in Hardrock ...

To apply these same methods to mineral exploration in hardrock environments we need to adapt the time-tested seismic techniques developed for oil and gas exploration to the problems associated with a seismically reflective medium. In Canada, 3D seismic investigations focus on massive sulfide deposits, rich in copper, nickel and zinc.

Surface and Subsurface Methods of Mineral Exploration

Surface and Subsurface Methods of Mineral Exploration . The major motive in exploring the earth's surface and its interior is scientific curiosity or the desire to understand better the nature of the Earth. Another key motive is the prospect of economic profit.


1.1.1 Exploration A mining project can only commence with knowledge of the extent and value of the mineral ore deposit. Information about the location and value of the mineral ore deposit is obtained during the exploration phase. This phase includes surveys, field studies, and drilling test boreholes and other exploratory excavations.

Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining ...

In mineral exploration, the only courses of universities and colleges. The book 'right' way of doing anything is the way that aims to outline some of the practical skills that locates ore in the quickest and most cost-effective turn the graduate geologist into an explo­ manner.

Oil & Gas Exploration and Surface Ownership

The best method of controlling oil and gas development by a surface owner is the purchase of all or a significant portion of an undivided interest in the mineral estate. This allows the surface owner to control the timing and terms of any future leases. However, purchase of the mineral estate is not always possible or practical.

Mineral Exploration, how it's done

Mineral Exploration, how it's done The links below provide information on the most common methods of mineral exploration in Ireland and across the world. Mineral exploration is the process of searching for evidence of any mineralisation hosted in the surrounding rocks. The general principle works by extracting pieces of geological information ...

Methods of mineral exploration: Geology -

Methods of mineral exploration: Geology. Geological mapping is an essential tool for mining exploration work. It is carried out at different scales according to progress in exploration and generates geological maps that show the lithology of the outcrops and the structures with mineralization and mining potential. The geological study during ...

Drilling Techniques for Mining Exploration - Equipment ...

Dec 13, 2018· View the complete article here. By its very nature, mineral exploration involves drilling to discover what is below the surface. While there have been a number of advances in drilling technologies in drilling techniques in the petroleum and geo-thermal sector, in mining, there have been no significant advances in mineral drilling technology for decades.

The Mining Process - Newmont Corporation - About Us

The Mining Process. Finding new mineral reserves is critical to the success of our company. Locating, extracting and processing these natural resources is a multi-year process that involves complex scientific, environmental and social planning. Newmont mission is to build a sustainable mining business while leading in safety, environmental ...

Mineral Exploration - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Oct 02, 2011· Mineral exploration is the second stage of the key exploration activities to locate surface mineralization and any old workings in a smaller area of identified geological, geochemical, and geophysical anomalies. It is therefore the follow-up of geological, geochemical, and geophysical anomalies from a reconnaissance survey.

Geophysical Methods Used In Mineral Exploration ...

Apr 30, 2021· Therefore, geophysical methods used in mineral exploration are very important. Geophysical science is a science in which knowledge of physics, mathematics, and geology is used in an interdisciplinary manner. All underground structures can be mapped using geophysical methods. Except for some cases, geophysical methods give exact results.

Advances in Geological Models and Exploration Methods …

application of the various exploration techniques. Long-established field geological and geochemical methods are still vitally important for successful discovery, but in both cases their application on drillhole samples is becoming relatively more important compared to surface samples.

Seismic Methods for Hard Rock Mineral Exploration

Seismic methods for hard rock mineral exploration; 34th IGC Brisbane 5. Rock Properties - Gold Deposit. 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 2.5 3 3.5. Density (gm/cc) P-wave Velocity (m/s) Basalt. Sulphidic Sed. Felsics. basalt. felsic. ultramafic. ultramafic. basalt. Sulphidic sed. Gold p s • Felsic - basalt contrast • Gold deposited in fracture ...