impacts of depressants on floatation of zinc

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The Depression of Sphalerite during Carbon Pre-flotation ...

Zinc Sulfate and Iron Sulfate as Depressants.....143 Figure 4.29 Iron Selectivity Curves for Flotation Tests Investigating the Effect of Figure 4.30 Lead Grade–Recovery Curves for Lead Circuit Flotation …

The use of BioPolymer flotation depressant to improve the ...

The MMG Century mine produces zinc and lead concentrates from a complex ore where carbona-ceous material and silica constitutes the primary gangue materials. Dextrin was used as a depressant for the carbonaceous material both in the lead and zinc circuits. Case study MMG Century Mine, AustrAliA The use of BioPolymer flotation depressant to improve

The effect of copper sulphate addition on the recovery of ...

also to evaluate the effect of the depressant type and dosage on the recovery of chromite in the flotation of UG2 ore. The two depressants selected were for evaluation of the guar gum, IMP4 and the carboxymethyl-cellulose (CMC), KU5. Flotation performance was evaluated using the relationship of mass to water recovery as well as the chromite ...

A review of froth flotation control - ScienceDirect

Sep 14, 2011· AFC, also known as stabilising control, aims to reject the effects of input disturbances (e.g. a change of ore type) and maintain the flotation process as close to steady state as possible (McKee, 1991, Laurila et al., 2002). This is generally achieved by controlling mass pull; recycle load; stream grade and/or recovery to setpoints (usually ...


Fig. 5 Effects of dosage of depressant on flotation of lead minerals Variation of collector dosage The effects of variation of collector dosage (potassium ethyl xanthate in this case) was studied on flotation of lead and zinc bearing minerals. For flotation of zinc the xanthate dosage was varied from 0.094 kg/t to …

Depression of iron sulphide flotation in zinc roughers ...

Sep 01, 2001· Depression of iron sulphide flotation in zinc roughers 1073 34 60 32 ~- Baseline 30 -d- 100 g/t Before 50 28 A 100 g/t After d --o- 300 g/t Before 40 ss 26 --0 300 g/t After > 24 30 22 oC i~ 20 20 o 18 10 16 "r 14 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Zinc Recovery Fig. 5 Effect of point of PAM-H addition, before or after collector ...

1 Froth Flotation – Fundamental Principles

Figure 1: The flotation system includes many interrelated components, and changes in one area will produce compensating effects in other areas (Klimpel, 1995) Froth flotation is a good example of an engineering "system", in that the various important parameters are highly inter-related, as …


ods, in floatation it´s possible to vary the difference between the useful properties and the gangue, modifying the chemical environment and the electrochemical of the system through a proper selection of the chemical reagents added, collectors, foaming agents, activators, depressants or Ph modifiers. In this context the floatation reagents

Recycling of process water Effect of calcium and sulphate ...

flotation. The dosages of zinc and pyrite depressants are; 1500 g/t ZnSO4, 300 g/t NaHSO3 and 200 g/t of dextrin. Dosages of copper-lead collectors in a three stage sequential flotation are 30+20+10 g/t Danafloat and 10+5+0 g/t KAX. The conditioning times for pH regulator, zinc and pyrite depressants, and copper-lead collectors are 5


The results from the laboratory flotation tests showed the possibility of marmatite depression under certain conditions. Therefore, pilot tests were held in the presence of zinc sulphate (800 g/t ...

Effect and mechanism of potassium-permanganate ...

Mar 16, 2020· Zinc is an important raw material and nonferrous metal that has an extremely important role in the development of national economies. For this reason, countries around the world continue to strengthen their research efforts on the development and utilization of zinc resources. Sphalerite is an important source of zinc metal, which often coexists with chalcopyrite, galena, and pyrite in nature.

Molecular structures and activity of organic depressants ...

hexametaphosphate increased significantly the zinc recovery in lead-zinc sulfide ore flotation[2]. At different pH conditions, the flotation separation of jamesonite, marmatite and pyrrhotite can be achieved by using organic depressants with small molecular mercapto organic depressant[3]. The organic depressant DMPS[4] containing —SH and —SO3

Effects of Process Parameters on Selective Flotation of ...

Fig. 4 : Effects of granulometry on recovery of lead and zinc bearing minerals Depression of Zinc Bearing Minerals As mentioned earlier, a combination of sodium cyanide and zinc sulphate (1:2.4) was used as depressant for zinc and selective flotation of lead minerals. The dosage of the depressant was varied from 0.215 kg/t. to 1.7 kg/t.

Influence of the Addition of Depressants during Grinding ...

The flotation performance of a complex lead and zinc ore were investigated by changing the grinding environments. Four groups of testing were conducted with different depressants or their combinations. Flotation results, size-by-size analysis, pulp potential (Eh) and dissolved oxygen (D0) were studied. It was found that the addition of depressants during grinding was beneficial to increasing ...

The effect of mode of occurrence of galena and sphalerite ...

The flotation response of a Pb-Zn sulphide ore from the Rosh Pinah Mine (Namibia) was studied in the presence of inorganic depressants such as sodium cyanide and zinc sulphate. Poor flotation selectivity was observed in the rougher concentrate of the galena circuit despite the use of …

Western University Scholarship@Western

Laliberty, Dennis M., "A Surface Chemistry Study of the Effects of Zinc Sulphate on Sphalerite During Flotation Separation at the Laronde Mine" (2014). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 2481. This Dissertation/Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Scholarship@Western. It has been accepted

(PDF) Effect of different depressants on galena flotation

In flotation tests, depression was achieved using non-toxic reagents and consequently individual copper, lead and zinc concentrates assaying 31.68% Cu, 67.69% Pb, …

Flotation Process Flow Chart Of Lead And Zinc Ore

2ZnS 3O 2ZnO SO2 (1) Zinc ores typically may contain from 3 to 11 percent zinc, along with cadmium, copper, lead, silver, and iron. Beneficiation, or the concentration of the zinc in the recovered ore, is accomplished at or near the mine by crushing, grinding, and flotation process. Get Price.

(PDF) Influence of important factors on flotation of zinc ...

Influence of important factors on flotation of zinc oxide mineral using cationic, anionic and mixed (cationic/anionic) collectors. Minerals Engineering, 2011. Mehdi Irannajad. Majid Ejtemaei. Mahdi Gharabaghi. Mehdi Irannajad. Majid Ejtemaei. Mahdi Gharabaghi. PDF. Download Free PDF.

Effect of depressants in the selective flotation of ...

calcite have been studied through micro-flotation. The single mineral flotation tests show that LSC can depress calcite, but it has little effect on flotation. Flotation separation of a mixture of smithsonite smithsonite and calcite can be completed to obtain a zinc concentrate grade up to 33.85% Zn with a recovery of 70.06%.

Role of sodium sulfide in the flotation of oxidized copper ...

This paper reviews uses of sodium sulfide in the flotation of oxide minerals of copper, lead, and zinc. The activation and depression effects of sodium sulfide are of particular importance because of their applications with oxidized lead and copper ores. In spite of its industrial importance, the nature of the heterogeneous reactions between sulfide ions in solution and the surface of oxidized ...


Jul 18, 2013· In flotation tests, depression was achieved using non-toxic reagents and consequently individual copper, lead and zinc concentrates assaying 31.68% Cu, 67.69% Pb, 49.79% Zn were obtained with 72, 80 and 57% metal recoveries, respectively.

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Selective Flotation of ...

An efficient flotation process was developed to selectively recover elemental sulfur from a high-sulfur pressure acid leaching residue of zinc sulfide concentrate. The process mineralogy analysis showed that the sulfur content reached 46.21%, and 81.97% of the sulfur existed as elemental sulfur which was the major mineral in the residue and primarily existed as pellet aggregate and biconical ...

Critical importance of pH and collector type on the ...

Feb 04, 2021· After lead flotation at optimum pH 8, the flotation of zinc at a different pH (5–11.5), with two collector types, was performed to study the recovery and grade of zinc in the zinc concentrate.

Chalcopyrite (Cu) Sphalerite (Zn) Separation by Flotation

Apr 14, 2016· Copper recovery was between 70-75% on this difficult ore. By lowering the copper grade and increasing recovery the zinc content would become excessive. The smelter did not permit copper with over 10% Zn. FLOTATION MACHINES "Sub-A" Flotation Cells of the cell to cell type are recommended for all the flotation steps in this treatment circuit.

Impact of Pre-Desliming on Flotation of Low-Grade Zinc ...

Zinc oxide ore from Lanping contained large amount of fine slime which badly deteriorated flotation performance, and it complexly intergrowed with plenty of alkaline gangues with calcium and magnesium. In order to investigate the impact of pre-desliming on flotation, experiments of direct flotation and pre-desliming flotation were carried out in the work.

Flotation experiment research on a polymetallic sulfide ore of

selectively with depression of zinc and iron, followed by reflotation of the copper-lead tailing for recovery of zinc[9]. The polymetallic separation flowsheet of copper/lead bulk flotation–copper lead separation–priority floating zinc and pyrite from the bulk flotation tailings was …

US4261846A - Composition for froth flotation of zinc ...

US4261846A US06/059,832 US5983279A US4261846A US 4261846 A US4261846 A US 4261846A US 5983279 A US5983279 A US 5983279A US 4261846 A US4261846 A US 4261846A Authority US United States Prior art keywords depressant collector combination zinc sulfide flotation Prior art date 1979-07-23 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.