Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 46 of 2013 Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 Labour Relations Amendment Act 66 of 1996 Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1995 Minerals Petroleum Resources and Development Act 28 of 2002 Mining Charter 2010
1.1 What regulates mining law? South African Mining Law is regulated by the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 28 of 2002 ("MPRDA") which is the predominant piece of legislation dealing with acquisitions or rights to conduct reconnaissance, prospecting and mining. The MPRDA became effective on 1 May 2004 and
The Mines and Work Act was a piece of legislation in South Africa, originally passed in 1911 and amended in 1912 and 1926 before undergoing further changes in 1956 and 1959.This act legally established South Africa's employment "colour bar." and was enacted to establish the duties and responsibilities of workers in Mines and Works in South Africa.
The situation with the 1913 Land Act became only very slightly better in 1936 when the Native Trust and Land Act increased the amount of land to just over 10% of South Africa. Labour During the same period the government saw the need for cheap labour to work on the mines and on farms.
Health and safety. The South African mining industry is committed to the principle of zero harm with the goal that every mineworker should return home unharmed every day. The Minerals Council, in conjunction with mining companies, aims to achieve world-class safety performance by working in close collaboration with tripartite partners in ...
The Chamber of Mines of South Africa (2009:19) estimates that the mining industry's direct and indirect contribution to the South African economy includes approximately one million employment opportunities, 18% of the GDP, 18% of the gross investment in South Africa and 50% of the country's exports. These statistics show that this industry ...
The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) specifically prohibits mining without the required statutory authorisation (Section 5(4)). In South Africa, it is illegal to be in possession of unwrought precious metal ore, platinum group metals (PGMs), gold-bearing material and rough diamonds without the required ...
Nov 05, 2018· In Piero Foresti, Laura de Carli & Others v The Republic of South Africa 1 a group of European mining investors submitted a request to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) for international arbitration against the South African government in relation to the Italy-South Africa BIT and the Belgium and Luxembourg ...
South African Government Let's grow South Africa together
The Bantu Authorities Act, Act No 68 of 1951. In 1951, in their objective to keep Black people permanently from the urban areas, the government introduced The Bantu Authorities Act. The Bantu Authorities Act was one of the Acts that attempted to keep South African citizens apart on a …
Oct 17, 2019· It is fairly common for lenders to take security over mining assets in South Africa. This security generally takes the form of share pledges, mortgages over mining rights and general and special ...
The MPRDA was amended by the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Act 49 of 2008, but be sure to read the two proclamations (Proclamation No. 14 of 2013 and Proclamation No. 17 of 2013) that brought the 2008 Amendment Act into effect, and suspended some of its provisions.Therefore, notwithstanding the coming into force of the 2008 Amendment Act, the …
The imposition of mineral and petroleum royalties ("mining royalties") in South Africa commenced on 1 March 2010 1 The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act 28 of 2008 (the "Royalty Act") regulates the imposition and calculation of mining royalties. Mining royalties are deductible for …
Attachment. Size. a28-020.pdf. 3.49 . 28 of 2002. The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 intends: to make provision for equitable access to and sustainable development of the nation's mineral and petroleum resources; and. to …
A network of legislation exists in South Africa that is geared towards sustainable development and the conservation and management of our country's rich biodiversity. Part of this fabric is the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (No. 28 of 2002) (MPRDA), which is the main piece of legislation governing all stages of the mining ...
May 11, 2021· Mining cryptocurrency — In South Africa, the moment that you mine a crypto token the market value of that coin is added to your gross income. Expenses incurred as …
Non-tax resident shareholders selling their shares (whether directly or indirectly through intermediary companies) in South African mining companies or prospecting companies may be subject to South African CGT and if so, the purchaser is obliged to withhold 7.5% of the purchase price as an advance payment of such CGT and pay it over to SARS.
Nov 07, 2017· Legal appointments and liability. November 7, 2017 Drill Safe. By Colin Rice. The Mine Health and Safety Act is very cleverly structured and focusses very strongly on the delegation of responsibilities for health and safety. The Act places full responsibility for health and safety on the "employer" of the mine but it also recognises that ...
Sibanye is an independent, South African domiciled mining group, which currently owns and operates gold and uranium operations and projects throughout the Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa, as well as PGM operations and projects in the J-M Reef in the United States, the Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa and the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe.
(c) linking the qualifications framework for the mining industry to the National Qualifications Framework referred to in the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 (Act No. 58 of 1995). 41(3)(c)-The South African Qualifications Authority Act provides for a …
Mining does in general have a substantial impact on the environment, and has unfortunately left South Africa with an enormous economic, social and environmental legacy. Prior to the enactment of the Minerals Act, 1991 (Act 50 of 1991), mining companies used irresponsible
Migrant labour remained a fundamental aspect of the South African mining industry, which employed half a million mostly black miners. Labour unrest in the industry resulted in a massacre in mid-August 2012, when anti-riot police shot dead 34 striking miners and wounded many more in what is known as the Marikana massacre.
The South African Mining and Biodiversity Forum has been initiated by the Chamber of Mines of South Africa and the World Conservation Union in South Africa to improve biodiversity management practices in the mining industry. In addition, the Department of Mineral Resources has developed a Beneficiation Strategy for the South African Minerals
Non-compliance with section 37A carries penalties - income tax is imposed on the mining company and/or the rehabilitation fund, if section 37A is contravened. In some instances, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) has a discretion to reduce the income tax so imposed.
Jul 04, 2019· The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act 28 of 2008 (Royalty Act) sets out the revenue-based royalties payable on mineral resources that are extracted within South Africa …
Acts Online provides legislation, including amendments and Regulations, in an intuitive, online format. We are the leading resource for freely available Legislation in South Africa and are used daily by thousands of professionals and industry leaders. With Acts you are guaranteed the latest and most up to date resource for your legislative needs.
Oct 09, 2020· South Africa: Mining Laws and Regulations 2021. ICLG - Mining Laws and Regulations - South Africa covers common issues in mining laws and regulations – including the acquisition of rights, ownership requirements and restrictions, processing, transfer and encumbrance, environmental aspects, native title and land rights – in 15 jurisdictions.
The purpose of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002, (Act No 28 of 2002) (MPRDA) is amongst others to transform the mining and production industries in South Africa. In order to ensure effective transformation in this regard, the Act requires the submission of the Social and Labour Plan as a pre-requisite for the granting ...