list of coal mines in the united states

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Gold, Silver, And Other Mining Claims In The United States ...

3,921,409 records of mining claims on public land managed by the Bureau of Land Management. 422,500 active mining claims. 3,446 pending mining claims. 3,495,463 closed mining claims. 134,153 records of mines in The United States States.

Historical Summary of Coal Mine Explosions in the United ...

HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF COAL MINE EXPLOSIONS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1959-81 By J. K. Richmond, G. C. PriceI2 M. J. Sopko, and E. M. Kawenski ABSTRACT This Bureau of Mines publication presents investigators' reports of all major coal mine explosion disasters that occurred in the United States from 1959 through November 1981, along with a brief ...

Mapping the Coal Ash Contamination | Earthjustice

Jul 29, 2021· The report, Coal's Poisonous Legacy: Groundwater Contaminated by Coal Ash Across the United States, explains the methods for ranking the sites and discusses each site contamination in detail. This table summarizes the pollutants that were present at unsafe levels and the degree to which each pollutant exceeds a safe level.

Wikizero - List of coal mines in the United States

The following table lists the coal mines in the United States that produced at least 4,000,000 short tons of coal.. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), there were 853 coal mines in the U.S. in 2015, producing a total of 896,941,000 short tons of coal.

U.S. active coal mines 2019 | Statista

Jun 09, 2021· Active coal mines in the U.S. 2000-2019. In 2000, there were 2,124 active coal mines in the United States. By 2019, this amount decreased to 1,134 active coal mines…

Interactive map of coal resources in the United States ...

The U.S. Geological Survey's National Coal Resources Data System comes with an interactive map that provides a huge amount of information on the distribution, thickness, and classification of coal in the United States. The interactive map contains over 250,000 data points, each typically representing a core sample, drill hole, or driller's log in a specific location.

Prioritizing Abandoned Coal Mine Reclamation Projects ...

Oct 02, 2003· Location of resources for mine reclamation is a spatial problem. This article presents a methodology that allows the combination of spatial data on resources for the coal mine reclamation and uses GIS analysis to develop a priority list of potential mine reclamation sites within contiguous United States using the method of extrapolation.

Coal Mine Disasters in the United States - By State

Search our mine disaster database containing hundreds of accidents from 1839 to the present. Search through all records or specifically for Metal/Nonmetal or Coal disasters. united states mine …

U.S. active coal mines 2019 | Statista

Jun 09, 2021· Active coal mines in the U.S. 2000-2019. In 2000, there were 2,124 active coal mines in the United States. By 2019, this amount decreased to 1,134 active coal mines. Due to a …

Methane Emissions from Abandoned Coal Mines in the …

Thousands of closed coal mines in the United States and other countries continue to emit methane, contributing to the total greenhouse gas emissions from coal mining. The unique features of abandoned mines, however, require a separate emissions estimation methodology from that employed for operating mines.


LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1: Nature of Database Sample . 79 Figure 2: Map of Coal Areas in the United States 80 Figure 3: Map of the Lignite-Bearing Region of North Dakota 81 Figure 4: Map of North Dakota Lignite Mine Sites, 1908-1945 82 Figure 5: Map of North Dakota Underground Mine …

Coal industry - Immigration to the United States

Coal Towns: Life, Work, and Culture in Company Towns of Southern Appalachia, 1880-1960. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1995. General history of coal camps, including discussion of interactions between immigrant and nonimmigrant coal miners. United States Immigration Commission. Immigrants in Industry: Bituminous Coal Mining V1 (1911).

Coal power plants in the U.S. are closing. Here are the ...

Feb 05, 2020· More than half the coal plants without retirement dates are in Montana, Utah and Wyoming — states led by fossil fuel-friendly politicians with little or …

Methane From Abandoned Coal Mines Could Be Key To Fight ...

Apr 21, 2021· The Elk Creek operation proved that capturing methane from abandoned coal mines can bring down emissions in the United States, but the project is costly on its own merits.

Coal Miner Records

Coal Miner Records. The Pennsylvania State Archives hold numerous collections which pertain to persons either employed in or in some way associated with the anthracite (hard coal) and bituminous (soft coal) mining industries of the Commonwealth. The anthracite fields stretch for nearly 500 square miles across portions of northeastern ...

List of coal mines in the United States | Project ...

List of coal mines in the United States: | The following table lists the 52 |coal mines| in the United States that produced at least... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled.

The five largest coal-producing states in the US

Sep 13, 2018· Wyoming's coal production soared in the 20 th century, from 9.4 million tonnes in 1918 to a peak of 466 million tonnes in 2008. The state was responsible for 40.8% of all US coal production in 2016, and its North Antelope Rochelle mine in the Powder Basin is the largest coal …

Coal Production by State - WorldAtlas

Jun 07, 2017· Twenty-five states in the US carry out coal mining with Wyoming producing the largest amount of coal in the country. These coal mines produce about a billion tons of coal annually for generation of electricity and steel making. The US employs innovative technology and equipment in the mining process to maximize efficiency, safety, and production.

List of coal mines in the United States

List of coal mines in the United States. Use the tools below to search for mines, quarries & sites. You can combine all inputs, e.g. just searching by name, or by combining with other search parameters. All inputs are optional, use as many or as few as you wish. You can toggle your results between list …

United States coal resources map - Copy 1 | Library of ...

Scale 1:2,500,000; 1 in. equals approx. 40 miles. Also shows "Coal industry facilities" and "Major natural gas pipelines." Insets: Alaska.--Hawaii.--Puerto Rico and Islands. Accompanied by: 1978 coal resources map supplement. (232 p. ; 26 cm.) Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Vault AACR2

List of coal mines in the United States

List of coal mines in the United States . Use the tools below to search for mines, quarries & sites. You can combine all inputs, e.g. just searching by name, or by combining with other search parameters. All inputs are optional, use as many or as few as you wish. You can toggle your results between list …

An Overview of Coal and the Economy in Appalachia

The coal industry in the United States and in Appalachia has undergone a severe downturn over the last decade as demand for coal has fallen across the United States. The COVID-2020 pandemic weighed down on the production even more. Between 2005 and 2020, c oal production in the United States …

Top U.S. states by coal production 2019 | Statista

Oct 09, 2020· Leading U.S. states by coal production 2019. This statistic displays the leading ten states in the United States based on coal production in …

list of coal mines in the united states wikipedia the free

Mining museums and tours national mining association,the following lists information on mining tours and museums in the united states and canada. If you have information on a mining tour, museum or other educational resource that you would like to share contact: ashley burke, 642, alaska. usibelli coal mine healy, alaska. tours are available during summer months by

Existing U.S. Coal Mines - SourceWatch

Jan 15, 2020· This page was last edited on 15 January 2020, at 14:38. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. SourceWatch is a project of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD).

U.S. Underground Coal Mine Ventilation Air Methane Exhaust ...

Figure 1: CMM emissions from underground coal mines in the United States from 2011-2015 . Source: Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2015 . This report is an update of EPA's 2010 publication, U.S Underground Coal Mine Ventilation Air Methane Exhaust Characterization. 4. This update can be used in conjunction with ...

Historical Summary of Coal-Mine Explosions in the United ...

Historical Summary of Coal-Mine Explosions in the United States, 1810-1958. One of 1,514 reports in the series: United States Bureau of Mines Reports available on this site. Showing 1-4 of 288 pages in this report . PDF Version Also Available for Download. Mapped.

Mine Accident and Fatality Resources by State

Historical Summary of Coal-Mine Explosions in the United States, 1810-1958 Bureau of Mines Bulletin 616 (24.9 ) Historical Documentation of Major Coal-Mine Disasters in the United States Not Classified As Explosions of Gas or Dust: 1846-1962